Your Love Is like the Arizona Sun

Music: Hoboeckentanz.
By Teilman Susato.
Sequenced by Curtis Clark at The Internet Renaissance Band

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Your love is like the Arizona sun:
Always there, no matter what I do.
Bathed in light, I feel my love for you,
But words are gone before I have begun.
I don't know why I find it hard to say
The things that rest so deeply in my heart.
It seems almost impossible to start,
As though they're too ungainly to display.
I cherish you and what you feel for me.
I'm lucky that I have you for a mom.
I love you with a love that's sweet and calm,
And vast, like some unending inner sea.
You're the one I'm with when I'm alone;
You're the place within my heart that's home.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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