Justice Isn't Only in a Courtroom

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Video Music:
The Fall.
By Peter Rudenko.
Performed by
Peter Rudenko
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution

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About This

Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Justice isn't only in a courtroom.
It has to do with wages, healthcare, schools.
It has to do with races more than rules.
It has to do with class as well as classrooms.
It has to do with the reward for labor.
The market is efficient but not just.
A just State sets some limits on its lust,
And ameliorates the brunt of its behavior.
It has to do with prejudice and hate,
With opening crucial doors to one's own kind
And leaving those with differences behind,
Then blaming their condition for their fate.
It has to do with hearts as well as laws,
And with how many would take up its cause.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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