Crystal Loves the Waves

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Video and Audio Music:
Watercolor Lilies.
By Aaron Kenny.
Music free to use
at YouTube.

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Birthday Poems

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Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Crystal loves the waves
And takes them for a ride.
But just right now her mummy
Is on the other side.

As far as she can see
The waves break more and more.
But just right now her mummy
Is on the other shore.

It's a great big ocean
With lots of sharks and whales,
Octopus and sailboats
And big boats without sails,

Polar bears and penguins,
And lots and lots of fish.
But just right now Crystal
Would like to make one wish.

Crystal wishes that
The ocean were a puddle.
Then she could jump across
And she and Mummy cuddle!

Wouldn't it be nice
If the ocean were a lake?
Then Crystal's mummy
Could have some birthday cake!

Crystal's mummy loves her,
But she is far away,
Far across the ocean
On Crystal's special day.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video and Audio Music: Watercolor Lilies.
By Aaron Kenny. Music free to use at YouTube.

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