Seventeen Years! Can You Believe It? I Can't

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the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
an MP4 file.

Video Music: Forever Yours
By Wayne Jones.
Music free to use at YouTube

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Poems for

S eventeen years! Can you believe it? I can't!
E ach year of love's a longing left behind,
V ast fields of fading memories. Why can't
E ach be etched more deeply in the mind?
N o matter. Love's a perennial. It blooms
T o seasonal rhythms, but survives by will,
E nduring. Though a wintry wind consumes
E ach blossom, the rhizome blossoms still.
N o matter. Fulfillment, like music, unfolds through time,
Y ielding moments too beautiful to bear
E ven as they disappear, each chime
A light with love, with longing, with tears that tear
R ight through the heart again, again, again,
S till, though never still, embrace without end.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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