This Truth Is like a Sea That Has No Shore

Music: Sonata in G Minor -- Introduzione: Largo; Ist Movement: Allegro.
By Muzio Clementi. Performed by Nathan Eckel at the Free Music Archive
under a Creative Commons Public Domain license.

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Nicholas Gordon

This truth is like a sea that has no shore,
Chaos infinite in heart and mind:
That you should once have been, and are no more.

To me you are as lovely as before:
Your voice still sings of life, your eyes still shine.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore,

An agony no reason can endure,
A knot of pain no passion can unbind:
That you should once have been, and are no more.

You died because some drunken bastard bore
Across the barrier of one thin line.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore:

That I cannot your battered face restore;
That all my love for you cannot turn time;
That you should once have been, and are no more.

We are all on a death march, numb and raw,
Driven on as loved ones fall behind.
This truth is like a sea that has no shore:
That you should once have been, and are no more.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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