You Killed Yourself and Didn't Think of Me

Music: Art of the Fugue, Contrapunctus 1.
By J.S. Bach. Sequencer unknown.
Modified by
David Grossman.

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You killed yourself and didn't think of me.
I can't blame you for that, and yet I do,
For now your pain becomes my legacy.

What agony impelled you not to be?
I loved you--wasn't that enough for you?
You killed yourself and didn't think of me,

Nor saw through my eyes what you made me see,
Nor cared about my life when yours was through.
And now your pain becomes my legacy,

And I must fight to keep my sanity,
For what you did defines what must be true:
You killed yourself and didn't think of me.

I cannot think you did it selfishly;
So great a sacrifice leaves nothing due.
But now your pain becomes my legacy,

And I must sail across that bitter sea
That leaves no trace of joy or residue.
You killed yourself and didn't think of me,
So now your pain becomes my legacy.

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